<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/cb422597-f635-4c1b-b214-36510d8cf7fb/RE_Icons_Small_Black_ArrowRight.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/cb422597-f635-4c1b-b214-36510d8cf7fb/RE_Icons_Small_Black_ArrowRight.png" width="40px" /> This section will give you a good understanding of our work at RESPOND: our mission, the organizations behind the program, and the team that makes it happen.


RESPOND promotes new ways of doing business, systemically. We drive technological and business model innovation to accelerate the transition towards sustainability and regeneration across different sectors and industries, and we leverage our community to build momentum towards a new way of doing business.

Our work is grounded in leadership - a community of leaders, leadership development and thought leadership - to set us up for a truly regenerative future.


Mission & Vision

Built on a short-sighted and linear model of extraction and exploitation, where externalities remain mostly unaccounted for, today’s economy is fragile and deeply exposed to shocks, a model unfit for 10 billion people (by 2050) to thrive on the only planet we call home. This is where the regenerative economy comes in: Just as we humans have actively designed our separation from the natural world, we can aim to reverse design to integrate ourselves back into it.

Our vision is a regenerative economy: A fair and inclusive economy within planetary boundaries. An economy that thrives on regeneration rather than exploitation and that prioritizes human wellbeing.

Our mission is to drive the transformation of our economic system through sustainable innovation, regenerative business, and responsible leadership.

Why Now?

Due to a degenerative economic system, humanity has exceeded most of the planetary boundaries. We’re putting Earth’s natural systems and the wellbeing of human societies at risk. Business-as-usual and one-sided efforts focusing on net-zero are not enough to stabilize the system.

At the same time, the global playing field for business and innovation is changing: the tightly connected global economic system is under pressure from a changing geopolitical landscape defined by rising nationalism and competition over power, and has shown its vulnerabilities in the face of global crises.

This calls for a new way of doing business.